Olivier Panighi 26/02/2018 - 17:06
Bravo pour cette excellente idée qui mérite d’aller au bout. Amities de toute la famille Panighi! Et Forza Bastia
Marianna DE GIOVANNI - CALANDRINI 03/03/2018 - 10:06
Merci pour votre soutien! Amicizia Marianna
€ 1,500
pledged over € 1,500 goal

This project was successful on 03/09/2018

En raison du tournage à effectuer, les contreparties ne seront envoyées au plus tôt DEUX MOIS APRES LA FIN DE LA CAMPAGNE.

For € 10.00 or more

10 presales

Participation with no compensation
You will receive our eternal gratitude and will be kept informed of the evolution of the film.

For € 25.00 or more

12 presales

Your name will appear on the Facebook page of the project.
You will receive a personalized thank -you email and will be kept informed of the evolution of the film.

For € 50.00 or more

7 presales

Previous provisions +
- Autographed photo of the shoot
- Invitation to the premiere of the film, followed by buffet dinner and drinks.

For € 100.00 or more

5 presales

Previous provisions +
- Collector’s Box with the DVD
- An autograph of each player
- Bonus surprises included in the DVD (goodies)
- Poster of the movie in A2 format (420x594) 250gr, Luxury Version+ transportable tube.

For € 200.00 or more

0 presale

Previous provisions+
- T-shirt in effigy of the film
- Pens in effigy of the film
- Backpack in effigy of the film
- Caps in effigy of the film

For € 500.00 or more

0 presale

Previous compensations +
- Subscription "Support" SCB for the next season
- Participation to a shooting day

10 of 10 available

For € 500.00 or more

0 presale

Previous compensations +
- Subscription "Support" SCB for the next season

2 backers didn't choose a reward.

Thanks to backers

Olivier Panighi 26/02/2018 - 17:06
Bravo pour cette excellente idée qui mérite d’aller au bout. Amities de toute la famille Panighi! Et Forza Bastia
Marianna DE GIOVANNI - CALANDRINI 03/03/2018 - 10:06
Merci pour votre soutien! Amicizia Marianna

Olivier Panighi 26/02/2018 - 17:06
Bravo pour cette excellente idée qui mérite d’aller au bout. Amities de toute la famille Panighi! Et Forza Bastia
Marianna DE GIOVANNI - CALANDRINI 03/03/2018 - 10:06
Merci pour votre soutien! Amicizia Marianna
€ 1,500
pledged over € 1,500 goal

This project was successful on 03/09/2018

En raison du tournage à effectuer, les contreparties ne seront envoyées au plus tôt DEUX MOIS APRES LA FIN DE LA CAMPAGNE.

For € 10.00 or more

10 presales

Participation with no compensation
You will receive our eternal gratitude and will be kept informed of the evolution of the film.

For € 25.00 or more

12 presales

Your name will appear on the Facebook page of the project.
You will receive a personalized thank -you email and will be kept informed of the evolution of the film.

For € 50.00 or more

7 presales

Previous provisions +
- Autographed photo of the shoot
- Invitation to the premiere of the film, followed by buffet dinner and drinks.

For € 100.00 or more

5 presales

Previous provisions +
- Collector’s Box with the DVD
- An autograph of each player
- Bonus surprises included in the DVD (goodies)
- Poster of the movie in A2 format (420x594) 250gr, Luxury Version+ transportable tube.

For € 200.00 or more

0 presale

Previous provisions+
- T-shirt in effigy of the film
- Pens in effigy of the film
- Backpack in effigy of the film
- Caps in effigy of the film

For € 500.00 or more

0 presale

Previous compensations +
- Subscription "Support" SCB for the next season
- Participation to a shooting day

10 of 10 available

For € 500.00 or more

0 presale

Previous compensations +
- Subscription "Support" SCB for the next season

2 backers didn't choose a reward.

Thanks to backers

Olivier Panighi 26/02/2018 - 17:06
Bravo pour cette excellente idée qui mérite d’aller au bout. Amities de toute la famille Panighi! Et Forza Bastia
Marianna DE GIOVANNI - CALANDRINI 03/03/2018 - 10:06
Merci pour votre soutien! Amicizia Marianna