Photo Name Dated Description Amount
Anonymous backer 05/08/2019 10:48 Opted to remain incognito € 50
Jef 04/08/2019 19:13 back only this project € 50
Anonymous backer 30/07/2019 10:37 Opted to remain incognito € 25
Marie-Pierre Pri... 26/07/2019 14:08 back only this project € 50
pierre vangioni 25/07/2019 08:20 back only this project € 100
Anonymous backer 24/07/2019 21:18 Opted to remain incognito € 50
Jacqueline CUCCHI 24/07/2019 07:41 support this project and another one € 50
Ange Santucci 23/07/2019 19:48 back only this project € 50
Nicolas Phelippeau 22/07/2019 20:24 back only this project € 50
Valerie Bouché 22/07/2019 17:28 back only this project € 50
Photo Name Dated Description Amount
Anonymous backer 05/08/2019 10:48 Opted to remain incognito € 50
Jef 04/08/2019 19:13 back only this project € 50
Anonymous backer 30/07/2019 10:37 Opted to remain incognito € 25
Marie-Pierre Pri... 26/07/2019 14:08 back only this project € 50
pierre vangioni 25/07/2019 08:20 back only this project € 100
Anonymous backer 24/07/2019 21:18 Opted to remain incognito € 50
Jacqueline CUCCHI 24/07/2019 07:41 support this project and another one € 50
Ange Santucci 23/07/2019 19:48 back only this project € 50
Nicolas Phelippeau 22/07/2019 20:24 back only this project € 50
Valerie Bouché 22/07/2019 17:28 back only this project € 50